On August 7, 2023, in Dayton, Ohio, Tristin Kate Smith committed suicide! The worst part of this story is that Tristin, a 28-year-old ER nurse, accused her abuser, healthcare, as the reason for taking her own life. She confided in detail in a note found on her computer by her father after her death about how she gave her heart, body, and mind to nursing because she wanted to help others and be a nurse forever. But she had heard rumors about healthcare's abusive past, about the … [Read more...]
Can You Refuse An Unsafe Assignment?
Here’s the scene: you walk into work for your 12-hour shift and immediately find yourself facing an exceptionally heavy patient load. What can you do? Your first thought is probably “I don’t want to commit malpractice; I want to provide the best care for my patients, and I want to protect my license.” When you look at the staffing assignments, it can be both overwhelming and stressful. You may be thinking, “How am I going to get this all done and make sure that my patients are provided … [Read more...]
Your License, Your Responsibility!
No Vaccine May Equal No License
The Oregon State Board of Nursing proposed new rules that would require nurses to be vaccinated as a condition for being licensed. Similarly, the Quebec Order of Nurses announced that their nurses must be vaccinated or face suspension of their medical licenses. I can understand if your employer requires you to be vaccinated as that gives you the choice to either work for them or not. Besides, you can always get another job elsewhere. Nevertheless, to take away all your choices to … [Read more...]
Nurses Required to Participate Against Religious Objections
The United States Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVM Medical Center) for forcing their pro-life nurses to participate in abortions. Even if a nurse expressed a religious objection to assisting in a sterilization or an abortion, the UVM Medical Center still assigned them to the procedures. However, the Biden Administration then recently withdrew the case and asked that the investigation be terminated. There was no reason given why this … [Read more...]
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