In the time when I was growing up, the goal of my parents’ generation was to get a job and stay there for life. It would be a job for which you could contribute to a retirement so that someday you would be able to retire. So, when I got out of nursing school, it became my goal to find that job for life!
I knew I wanted to continue my education but always believed I would be working at the same facility and move up the ladder. However, as we have all come to realize, the culture has changed. Corporations like Chrysler and GM, where employees once thought they had a job for life, are closing plants now and discontinuing retirement benefits.
Nurses with the mentality or mindset of a job for life, who begin working and realize there are problems where they work, may find that this belief no longer serves them. I have several nurse clients who worked at just one place for a long period of time, reached the top of their pay scale and, for whatever reason; the hospital has found a reason to terminate them.
If you perhaps see the so-called handwriting on the wall and are not happy with your position…leave! It is not worth getting terminated and having your name reported to the licensing board. It also would burden you with the responsibility of having to disclose your termination on all future job applications.
Therefore, shifting your mindset to the belief that it is important to find a job where you fit, where you are happy and your employer loves you will serve you better than getting that elusive “job for life.”
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