Our Firm
Brown Law Office, P.C. was established in 1999 by Lorie Brown, RN, MN, JD. What makes our law firm different? We’ve worked in healthcare! As nurse-attorneys we have insider experience – we know the ins-and-outs of the healthcare industry and the legal challenges you face.
Meet Our Team
Founder, Lorie Brown, R.N., M.N., J.D.
Right from the beginning, there were many aspects of nursing that I loved. I even went on to obtain a master’s degree in nursing and practiced in a variety of nursing fields, including medical surgical nursing, management and administration. However, I found I was frustrated by the limitations. I felt I couldn’t give the care I wanted to because my hands were tied by antiquated rules, nursing culture, and even unit status quo—all things I didn’t anticipate as an eager nursing student.
So I made a career shift and decided to go to law school. I studied law at Indiana University, earning my J.D. in 1990. For the last 23 years I’ve been working as an attorney. It turns out that I still get to help people, only in a way different from what I expected.
There’s a saying, “Once a nurse, always a nurse,” and I find it apt. I naturally fell into representing nurses and other health professionals in need, usually with malpractice matters and license defense. It isn’t hard for me to empathize and imagine what these nurses were going through while their ability to practice nursing was in question. I’m licensed to practice in Indiana and Illinois, however by partnering with other nurse attorneys and attorneys I help nurses nationwide get the legal support they desperately need.
In 2012, I founded Empowered Nurses (ENO), an organization designed to help nurses protect their licenses, so they can do their jobs with confidence, focus on serving their patients, and regain the joy in the profession they love. ENO provides resources, tips and strategies on protecting your nursing license and tools for empowerment. http://www.empowerednurses.org. I’ve also written a book on these issues, Law And Order For Nurses: The Easy Way to Protect your License and Your Livelihood. http://www.lawandorderfornurses.com
In my law practice, I perform the same process I was trained to do in nursing—assess, plan, intervene, and evaluate. I can’t judge anything about new clients or their case until I analyze the situation. Would you like my honest assessment of your legal situation? Contact me today to get started.
Office Manager, Amanda Muncie
Hello! My name is Amanda and I am the Office Manager at Brown Law Office. Besides making sure everything in the office is taken care of, my favorite part of my job is connecting with clients and keeping them happy and informed. When I am not at work, I enjoy surrounding myself with family and friends, being outdoors, hiking, swimming, boating, riding roller coasters and watching funny movies! I have a very close-knit, connected family and cherish my time with them.I have always had a passion for nurturing, leading, inspiring and giving to those around me. In school, I participated in many different programs that accentuated my gifts. To name a few, I taught younger children how to read, I was nominated to be a peer advisor and would assist with solving disagreements between other students, I engaged in a Tsunami Relief Fund to help raise money for tsunami victims in Thailand and much more. I have always found joy in helping other people and naturally fell into roles of leadership. All of these experiences have been fundamental building blocks of who I am today.
After being given a wonderful opportunity, I started working at Brown Law Office in August of 2012.I had no idea what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised. Lorie really cares about her clients and creates an environment where they feel safe and understood. With not much experience in law, I had to work my way up from the bottom, so to speak. I was thoroughly trained and it took patience, hard work and determination, but I figured it out and I am now an integral member of the firm. At Brown Law Office, the mission statement is not just a piece of paper, it’s what we live by everyday. I truly enjoy what I do and I look forward to many more years of growing with Brown Law.